Unacademy, an online learning platform in India, has added two more marquee investors to its cap table. The Bangalore-based startup said on Wednesday it has raised new funds from Tiger Global Management and Dragoneer Investment Group.
The funding round, the size of which was not disclosed, valued the four-and-a-half-year-old startup at $2 billion, up from about $500 million in February this year when Facebook joined the list of backers, and $1.45 billion in September, when SoftBank led the round.
“Our mission from Day One has been to democratise education and make it more affordable and accessible. We have consistently built the most iconic products that deliver high quality education to everyone. Today, I’m delighted to welcome Tiger Global and Dragoneer as our partners in the journey. They are both marquee global investors with a history of partnering with innovative companies that are making an impact on people’s lives,” said Gaurav Munjal, Co-Founder and CEO, Unacademy, in a statement.
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