Last week Amazon dropped its annual armada of new products on us — now it’s Google’s turn. The company’s Launch Night In stream Wednesday follows its unveiling of the Pixel 4A budget phone in August. That event confirmed the existence of its next flagship phone, the Pixel 5, and the Pixel 4A 5G. They were launched today, along with a new Chromecast and a new Nest-branded smart speaker, the Nest Audio. There were few surprises, however, other than the Hold for Me phone feature, which puts those awful you’re-on-hold-forever calls in Google Assistant’s hands.
The Pixel 5 announcement, as with Google’s previous flagship phones, has been leakier than ancient plumbing (or perhaps, as CNET’s Lynn La suspects, the “leaks” are part of Google’s marketing strategy).
Google’s latest flagship adds 5G support to Google’s rota, and it went live on Google’s store before the announcement. It starts at $699 (£599, AU$999). The camera adds Portrait LIght and Night Sight in portrait to the camera. And with the new phone, Google’s added a big bundle of services called Google One, a la Apple One.
Chris Monroe/CNET
The $50 (£60, AU$99) updated Chromecast has a new remote with an Assistant button, plus dedicated buttons for high-profile streaming services. “A more helpful TV” is Google’s tagline for Google TV, which seems to be Android TV: The Next Generation. It updates the recommendation engine and delivers better search results, plus aggregates your streaming subscriptions.
Screenshot by CNET
More bass, value and skinniness seem to be the hallmark changes to the Nest smart speaker. It’ll run you $100 (£90, AU$149).