Attention: this is a Photoshop template. WORDPRESS VERSION AVAILABLE HERE
Firwl is a Cyber Security photoshop template
This PSD template project is an elegant solution for a cyber security website. The product contains 10 PSD files:
- FIRWL00-TYPO.psd: Typography guidelines
- FIRWL01-HOME.psd: Generic homepage with content mix
- FIRWL02-SERVICE.psd: A homepage based on services
- FIRWL03-SPECIAL.psd: A home landing dedicated to a single offer
- FIRWL04-SHOP.psd: Shop homepage with archive and special offer
- FIRWL05-LANDING.psd: Landing page with internal navigation
- FIRWL06-MAG.psd: Magazine template for multy category blog
- FIRWL07-GRID.psd: Grid archive of posts
- FIRWL08-SIDEBAR.psd: One column archive with sidebar
- FIRWL09-SINGLE.psd: Single post template with related posts and comments
All the fonts are open source and included in the project, implementable via Google Fonts or web font (provided). Please install all the provided fonts before opening the project.
Photos not included in the product. Some demo pictures are from (No copyright restrictions). Other are licensed to QantumThemes without redistribution rights, therefore not included.
You can easily apply photos to the project using the layer masks (see manual for details). Requires at least Photoshop CS6. Compatible with Adobe CC.