Dragon Ball Super is a popular anime series that is set in the Dragon Ball universe created by Akira Toriyama. It is a direct sequel to the original Dragon Ball series and the Dragon Ball Z series. The series first aired in 2015 and ran for 131 episodes, ending in March 2018. Dragon Ball Super has been well received by fans and critics alike, and has become a cultural phenomenon around the world.
The story of Dragon Ball Super begins a few years after the events of Dragon Ball Z. The series follows Goku and his friends as they face new challenges and battle new enemies. The first major arc of the series revolves around the God of Destruction Beerus and his assistant Whis. Beerus is searching for the Super Saiyan God, a being prophesized to defeat him in battle. Goku and his friends become embroiled in this search, leading to a battle against Beerus that puts the fate of the universe at stake.
After the battle with Beerus, the series moves into a new arc that introduces the concept of parallel universes. Goku and his friends are invited to participate in a tournament between different universes, known as the Universe 6 vs. Universe 7 tournament. This tournament introduces new characters such as the Saiyan warrior Cabba and the female warrior Kale. The tournament culminates in a battle against the powerful fighter Hit, who is hired by an unknown party to eliminate Goku.
The next major arc of the series involves the return of Future Trunks. He has come from a future timeline where the world has been destroyed by the evil god Zamasu. Goku and his friends travel to the future to confront Zamasu and his apprentice, Goku Black. This arc introduces the concept of time travel to the series and features some of the most emotional moments in the entire Dragon Ball franchise.
Throughout the series, Goku and his friends continue to train and develop new abilities. Goku learns a new transformation known as Super Saiyan Blue, which combines the power of Super Saiyan with the godly power of the Super Saiyan God. Vegeta also gains a new transformation known as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, which combines the power of Super Saiyan God with the traditional Super Saiyan form. Other characters also gain new abilities and power-ups, keeping the action fresh and exciting.
Dragon Ball Super also features some of the best animation and fight scenes in the entire franchise. The series has a modern animation style that looks fantastic and is full of vibrant colors and dynamic camera angles. The fight scenes are incredibly well choreographed and feature some of the most iconic moments in the series. One standout moment is the battle between Goku and Jiren in the Tournament of Power, which is one of the most epic battles in the history of Dragon Ball.
Another standout feature of Dragon Ball Super is its fantastic soundtrack. The series features a wide variety of music that perfectly complements the action on screen. The series has a mix of new tracks and remixes of classic Dragon Ball music, making it a treat for both new and old fans of the series.
In conclusion, Dragon Ball Super is a fantastic anime series that is a must-watch for fans of the Dragon Ball franchise. The series features a compelling story, great characters, stunning animation, and amazing fight scenes. The series manages to keep the Dragon Ball universe fresh and exciting while also paying homage to the classic series. Dragon Ball Super is a fantastic addition to the Dragon Ball franchise and is a great way to experience the world of Dragon Ball in a new and exciting way.